Sunday, May 15, 2011

Blog 7

The link to my Joke video. Joke #9

             The two videos that I have decided to compare our mine, Group 3, and Michael Garrett’s groups video (Link: ). One topic that I am going to look at is the idea of lines. In both videos, we had very similar lines, and that is mainly do to the framing, and the how we shot our movies. Both of us use hallways, windows, sidewalks, and other basic structures to help frame our main characters, and draw the viewer straight to them. Sometimes, we used actual lines, like in the case of the halls, doorways, and windows. Sometimes it was visual lines, like the mom looking at her son, or the boy looking down at the clock. There was a larger amount of more linear lines in each video, and many of them helped to draw the viewers eye to the main character, and whatever else important that was going on.
      Another topic I am going to look at is the movement. The movement in the two videos was very different. In my group’s video, there really wasn’t a large amount of major movement. The boy and his mom only walked from one place to another a couple of times. This gave the video a calmer feeling, and it didn’t feel like anything was overly urgent. However, in the other groups video, there was a lot of movement, mainly from the boy running across campus to get to his class on time. The movement of him running gave the video a very rushed and excited feeling to it. It made the viewer sit on the edge of their seats to see if he would make it to class on time, without falling down.
     When it came to Text/Subtext, the two videos were very different. In my groups video, the son and mother came right out with what they were thinking, and it was very clearly stated. When it came to the second video, the boy never really came out and said that he was late for class, but that idea was implied by him looking at the clock, and running as fast as he could. My group’s video was more text filled, while the other group’s was more filled with subtext.
     The second binary term I am going to look at is conscious/subconscious. In my video, it was shown clearly where the boy learned that horrible language from, and why he was angry with his mom. The language his mother used was clearly the thing that impact the boy. For the other groups video, you were never told why he was late. You didn’t know if maybe he was up late studying, or hungover, or just lazy. It never came out and said why he overslept, why meant that what he did was more on a subconscious level.

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