Monday, May 30, 2011

Blog 9A

For the game design project, my group decided to come up with an educational children’s game involving balloons. The premise of the game is that kids have to answer questions in order to receive balloons, and they go to next level after they receive a certain amount of balloons. When thinking about the presentation,  i came up with some points that didn’t exactly come across in class. The first point that I feel like didn’t come across was that each level would be different, kind of like different worlds. This fact would make each level fun for the kids because they could explore how the world were different , and they might end up having a favorite. Another thing that didn’t really come across was that there would be a wide array of questions, all at different levels so an array of kids could play the game and be challenged. One weak point of our game presentation was that we didn’t really have any pictures or visuals so people would have a better idea of what the game would actually look like. A strong point of presentations was that we had a lot of details for the rules of the game, and all of the different mechanics that would go into the game. I think that the hardest concept to talk about with other people is the mechanics of the game. Mechanics are the ways of play in a game. It is hard to talk about this without actually having a game to show people. Not having video and pictures of what they game will actually look like makes it harder to describe how you will have to go about when playing the game. While there are some things that we could have improved about our presentation, I really liked the idea that my group came up with, and I think that it would make a really cool game.

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